Monday, July 15, 2013

The Faith in Passion - Part III

Jason danced in the joy of his discovery. He ran across the shore to reflect his achievement to the ocean. A situation was conceived by him and he stumbled. He decided to get inside the mountain without wasting his regained energy. He searched in the vicinity to check anything tangential as a tool to dig out the treasure. He found decayed dead bodies with a note sculpted on the rock- The Mountain will stab you to death. Get back to well spring. Have a life. Jason smirked and made his mind empty to avoid unwanted thoughts. He strolled inside with the tools he found near dead bodies.

The mountain is a hollow structure of treasure with treasure inside it. It was installed with a passage which was half dug. On his way inside passage, a sign board left with the following words- Treasure is just one inch way. The one who digs out that one inch will make a difference.  Jason walked straight to meet the dead end. He convinced himself that this is the starting point to reach the destination. He started digging the tunnel.

Jason’s lacklustre is due to the irrational food stocks he maintained throughout. But he was defiant. He did not stop drilling the tunnel. He fell on the ground for a short nap with an idea that he would get back to work soon after gaining energy. The atmosphere was soporific. To be salubrious to enjoy the treasure, one will definitely prefer to rest.

Jason woke up, trying to focus his pupil. When his sight was clear he was astonished to see that the portion he drilled restored back to the original shape irrespective of persistent effort. The mountain feigned him with its treacherous gestures with an instinct of safe guarding the treasure. He checked his pockets to and found traces of dry fruits that he collected in the forest. He restarted the work with enhanced energy and effort. He dug out three times to what he had drilled initially. His brain and other organs of the body are in total discordance. His acts were tiresome. Several attempts rendered same result. The idea of taking a ‘break’ broke the bridge to the destination.

Jason woke up with dignity and this time his efforts were diligent. Every time when his hands had gut feeling that they had reached the threshold, “One more inch” Jason nurtured himself.

“One more inch”

“One more inch”

“One more……………….” yelled Jason. He was vociferous in such a way that it reverberated throughout the mountain. He drilled One thousand one hundred and one inch without an interval and dozed without consciousness.

Jason never knew when he fell asleep; he woke up crying as he was reminiscent of the ill effects that the Mountain produces if he stops drilling. The tunnel extended into an anchored ship filled with treasure. He found himself in a deck of large ship filled with tonnes of gold. Jason’s eyes filled with tears. He wept in joy for fulfilling his grandfather’s dream. He explored the entire ship. He unchained the ship and drove into the ocean with pride and honour. Right in front of the wheel he found an inscription stating- 
You are the one who made the difference. The faith in your passion brought you to the treasure. The one with impeccable conviction never desisted although impecunious.

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