Monday, June 24, 2013

The Faith in Passion- Part I

Long ago, there existed a richest city in the world in those deep forests of Africa, titled Congo. High bankability of people, opulence in urban scenery, and expensive outfit with enticing economy existed everywhere. Like the two sides of a coin, in the outskirts of the city existed a dungeon like colony of slaves who were deprived of everything. Including a name to their colony where the capitalist of the city always called it a ‘luxury to the loafers’ in their drunken conversation at those expensive bars.

Jason Jr, a young lad lived in those dungeons in a nuclear family that got working under the clutches of the rich as a ‘family occupation’. He was dearest to his grandfather Jason Sr. He got that cinch of being proactive which attracted the old man.

Jason Sr regretted his failure of not being what he wanted to be. Rich. On his death bed with a tear flooded eyes he wished to talk with Jason Jr. When everyone in the family was waiting for his burial so that they can resume to their work, Jason Jr rushed to his grandfather from the workplace when he heard the news. He gave Jason an ancestral note in their last meet and pointed north. He then slid into the eternal darkness and rest of the crew of the family burst out laughing as they considered it ‘absurd’.

Jason Sr tried his best to get the treasure out there in the north by persuading peers to work in team and share the treasure among them so that everyone will be prosperous. Eventually Jason Sr turned out to be a laughing stock for believing something impossible. Even his family members were not supportive. Only faith he got was that someone will be successful in the treasure pursuit and tell the world that his faith in treasure was whiter than white.

Jason Jr sprinted to the riverside and wept. In the midst of mourning, he felt the note in his pocket that his grandfather gave him. He pulled it out and it read: 
The Faith in passion, thee takes to the treasure with impeccable conviction. Although impecunious, never desist.

Being a seven year old kid, Jason Jr never discerned the inner meaning of the note. But he knew that there is something in the north. He never left the note. The note soon turned out to be his bible. He repeated those words with note in his hand to remind himself that he was meant for that. To get the treasure and live his grandfather dreams.

Jason Jr turned thirteen in no time. He polished shoes for his living. One day he happened to polish a brown shoe of filthy rich businessman Harry Turner to black unknowingly. Deceived by the color of dirt, he made an unintentional flaw. He was slapped on face by the hefty creature. Jason, to regain his senses whispered the words in note.

“Are you son of insane Jason Sr?” laughed Harry.

“Grandson” replied Jason.

“Remember boy, that note is not even worth a nickel. It will never fetch you the money which never exists” declared Harry and strolled off the site.

The term ‘money’ caught attention of Jason Jr. Then he comprehended that there is something in the north that will fetch him money. For which he had done odd jobs all day long. Jason sprinted to the north without a second thought. He ran miles towards north, reached the outskirts of the city. His breathing was at his zenith, he stumbled across the path and reached dead end. He saw giant trees which pointed skyward. No way could he get in the forest to reach the other side. He walked back to church and repeated his note folding his hands in respect to the almighty.

“Son you were here for something?” queried father.

“I want to go to the north father; it was my grandfather’s dream. I must realize it. I am meant for it “replied Jason.

“Son to do anything you like you must have money to afford the bills that give you”

“How much money father”

“Adequate money” replied father.

Jason gave his nod of understanding. Before he could ask the next question of clarification, father disappeared abruptly. He started inquiring about the expenses of the journey towards north. As the city was a British ruled territory, transactions were done in euros.

“Two hundred euros” exclaimed a farmer.

“Five hundred euros” bellowed a chauffeur.

“Thousand euros” proclaimed goldsmith.

“Five thousand euros” enunciated a teacher.

Jason was perplexed and consulted a travel agency to know the expenses to reach the north. He did not give them any clue about the ‘money’. He just told them that he wanted to explore the northern side. An elderly man came up to the counter to listen to the boy who yelled the term ‘north’ inside his office after several decades. Rupert White was pale, gloomy with dark circles around his eyes. He ushered Jason into his room and offered chair to answer his queries.

“Sir how much does it cost to explore the North” quizzed Jason with the ray of excitement.

“A life” yelled Rupert White without hesitation.

Jason Jr was dumbstruck with the answer. Tears welled up in his eyes when his dream became impossible to be a reality. He wept for not being able to fulfil his grandfather’s dream. His shoulders suddenly turned to be weak. His legs were shivering. He buried his face in his hands. Tears flowed down the elbow.

“Son, your grandfather and me invested our valuable life time in pursuit of a treasure that was impossible to gain. I deceived your grandfather and made him a laughing stock in front of the people. My family and I explored north for monopoly possession of the treasure. I paid the price for double-dealing with Jason Sr. My family members were killed by the wild animals in the forest. I escaped with injuries which pain me even today” cried Rupert White.

Jason Jr got up and walked out of the office repeating the words in the note-
The Faith in passion, thee takes to the treasure with impeccable conviction. Although impecunious, never desist.

Jason comprehended from his inquiry that what father at church told was right. He needs money to travel to the north. He worked day and night to meet the infinity expenses. He saved every penny sacrificing all luxuries he could afford. He worked sixteen hours per day where all other lads of his age were busy dating girls, gambling, getting hooked with rich woman and boozing. With five years of hard work and dedication, Jason was able to save thousand euros with which he was confident of starting the journey to north.

Jason, eighteen year old matured young lad backpacked for his journey. He walked to the outskirts of the city. He was a few miles away from the first hurdle, forest. A group of bandits attacked Jason in a matter of seconds. They flew the mud thus, making Jason instant and temporarily blind. He was startled to respond. His backpack was snatched. He tried hard to pull it back. But the number of bandits outnumbered Jason. Right upper cut, U-punch, scissors punch and jab punch weakened Jason and he gave up the backup but successful in pulling the dagger. Hysterical rotation of dagger injured two bandits and they knew he was restoring his sight eventually. Bandits along with the backpack raced to the east. Whereas Jason was left on the muddy road with the dagger, He spat out blood gasping and belching.

Jason’s ailment of being deprived of food, water and money did not stop him from initiating his ambitious mission. He strolled into the forest without a second thought repeating the words in the note-
The Faith in passion, thee takes to the treasure with impeccable conviction. Although impecunious, never desist........

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