Wednesday, April 18, 2012

GPA- Grade Potato Anand

His eyes were moist, His heart was heavy and His mind was flooding with thoughts. Anand waved his dad with a gloomy look and raced into college with greater energy. Being a farmer’s son Anand always dreamed of pursuing agriculture as his profession. Being a school drop out by choice Anand’s father know the value of a degree which would have helped him in the abyss of agriculture. So he compelled Anand to take up Bachelors of technology in Mechanical Engineering in India’s No.1 private university paying a donation of 800 grand thinking that it would surely fetch him a secure job being in a India’s top-notch college of Engineering.

Anand was totally perplexed with the way his academics function. He always listened, interacted and worked on the subject he liked. Later it drove him to chaos. Without even knowing the system of grading and the concept of relative grading Anand went with his way of learning things irrespective of the system. After the results were out he was astonished to glance at his 6.6 GPA. It was brain storming evening for him in analysing where his marks were gone. End of the day he had a sound sleep as he was tired in thinking. He thought of asking his class in charge but he did not even dare to look at her cabin. Second semester went in the same pace like the first semester. In the meantime Anand made some friends who are people with various attitudes. He was happened to find a jerk class topper of his department. Imagining the pressure on him to accelerate his GPA with respect to the donation paid by his father, He collaborated with ‘Topper’ Tarun.

Even though it was an old school theory, Anand had no other option except to go with Tarun. Both used to spend time the whole night before the corresponding exam to finish portions as quickly as possible. After a 30 minute serious studying, “Hey you saw that movie inception? It was just awesome. Normal people cannot understand for the first time. Only people with great aptitude skills like me can do that” boasted Tarun. “Even I can do that. I heard of that movie. I may watch it post cycles Tarun. You know these exams are eating all my time” replied Anand. “You are such a nerd Anand. You must not be like that. You got only 4 years man. When you shall enjoy? Leave the enjoyment part. Watching movies is a minimum. You must not give up your basic entertainment dude……….. “. Tarun took a lecture of 15 minute on ‘enjoyment’ which made Anand to close his books and watch Inception movie. After a while Tarun joined him which costed them their precious time before the exam.

Next morning Anand was busy checking his Physics notes and material seriously. He was totally tensed as he did not study anything that is important in the exam point of view. But only hope Anand had was even Tarun did not study. He gave up last minute studies and went to exam. He was not that good, not even average.

“Hey, how was your exam?” queries Anand. “It was bad. Worse indeed” replied Tarun. Anand’s inner joy was sprouting up. It did not last longer. It lasted only till the papers were given. His Physics lecturer gave his score which did not astonish Anand as he expected it to happen. But Tarun’s mark was blitzkrieg as it was 36 out of 40. Anand was dumbstruck seeing his marks. “Dude how come you got 36?” exclaimed Anand. “Oh physics, concepts are just school level. Simple right?” questioned Tarun. “You told your exam was worse”. “Yeah, it’s true. I missed 2 two mark questions. Or else I would have scored a centum.” Anand was still in a shock to know the ‘Topper Dynamics’.

Later on Anand went with studying day and night for his pre-finals. This time he collaborated with the fellow student who was just above him in GPA thinking he would improve gradually. Both started studying without a break. “Dude the portion was heavy, how can you complete it in one night?” questioned Anand. “Let’s finish as much as we can. Then we shall finish rest for the finals” replied the fellow classmate. Anand’s exam was terrible. His friend was just okay. But results this time astonished Anand to see his fellow classmate getting 80 out of hundred. When Anand was about to ask his classmate regarding them miracle, he was happened to hear the term “Important Questions”. Anand slowly understood the real phase of Indian Educational System. But it was not full.

Anand’s performance was average in the examinations. Later while bantering with a friend, Anand told “I shall study hard for the finals. My target is to get 8 GPA. His friend burst out laughing, “Dude common are you crazy? Or are you gone mad? How can you score 8, you have low internal in 4 credit subjects, unless you work really hard you can’t even pass in this. How can you think of getting 8?” Even though his friend criticized him, the term CREDIT struck his mind. Slowly he realized that “more credit subjects will fetch him more marks and good grade than the one he is interested in”.

It was too late to realize. But his instant goal is to pass at least. He worked hard which gave him an ugly 6.4 GPA with which he had blown of words from his dad. But he couldn’t not explain his father what is GPA, CREDIT, RELATIVE GRADING et cetera as his dad couldn’t comprehend those. Only thing is his dad need marks. Irrespective of the reason he possessed.

One day Anand just passes by a chit-chatting group of three which has Tarun in it and the rest are girls. Anand heard Tarun boasting of his A+ grade in Basic Electronics & Electrical paper. Anand walked to Tarun and queried “Tarun, can you tell me what a transistor is?” Tarun was dumbstruck. He stammered a second and replied “Dude common on. We finished the paper last semester. We need not remember the shit.” Anand silently walked away thinking “Marks doesn’t decide anyone’s knowledge or skill. They are just decorative pieces for an undergraduate to show-off”.

Anand was alert in third semester. He was a bit proactive with the subjects so as to score well and to gain as much as he can from core subjects, thinking that he could justify his degree and his dad’s donation. To his dismay the results were all same as before. He couldn’t understand what was happening with him. He walked into his Professor’s cabin to check the reasons for his flunk in the core paper. “Excuse me sir” pinged Anand. “Yes” replied Professor. “Sir, Can you please tell where I made a mistake with the answers” queried Anand. “All your answers were not relevant to the material I gave” snapped Professor. “Sir, I explained the question you asked. I mean it” groaned Anand. “Check Tarun’s paper. He wrote really well”. Anand was astonished to see that Tarun’s paper was a literal photocopy of his professor’s material. Anand moved out with and idle look with no other way to choose.

Anand’s 4th semester also passed in the same way. He was fed up with the system and its functioning. He gave up the thought of gaining GPA which had no use as a whole. He passed into 5th semester with the same ugly grade. Everyone in the class was anxious to attend ‘Alternate fuels’ class. It was not the subject they were fascinated about, it was the person who was teaching it. It was the HOD himself. Every student wants his ‘attention’ on them. Anand did not give a damn about it. He was not interested in any of the academics except the one which attracts him.

Anand was moody in the class. He never bothers about what his HOD teaches or what he blabbers in the class. But the day came where his HOD spotlight was on him. It was the day to submit the assignments where Anand neither attempted it nor copied it from fellow students. “Anand, where is your assignment?” queried HOD. “Sir, to be frank I didn’t do it.” “Useless fellow, useless fellow, do you realize that you are wasting your parent’s money. If you are not interested, it’s not too late. You can walk out” yelled HOD. “You dumb donkey, it’s already late” thought Anand. “Sir, not only me, many did not do it truly” crooned Anand. “What do you mean by that? Are they fools to work it out?” questioned HOD. “Sir, the so called ‘topper’ Tarun copied it from a senior who was the only one to work out this assignment in the previous year. That senior copied from his senior and the legacy continued. In my research I found out that you are the only one to solve those in your under graduation and it passed onto later generations. The same solutions are reproduced by your favourite student and you continued your professor’s work in your teaching experience in every batch you taught.” Entire class was silent. One can easily hear their own heartbeat. It was that silent. After a second or two break entire class burst into applaud. Anand gave a smile; his HOD gave an ugly grin and walked out with feeling of offense. Of course the bell helped him by syncing with his footsteps.

Anand was later on active with all sorts of extra-circular activities in both Department & College. He designed the Department association which is a debut thought in the university. The day of inauguration arrived but it was up to faculty to decide and HOD to decide the student leader for it. Everyone expected it to be Anand. HOD appointed Tarun as head showing ‘low GPA’ as the reason for the panel. Anand smirked thinking of the absurdity of HOD and the raging revenge in him.

Anand as usual went on with his academics despite his father’s shunting. He decided to prepare for CAT- Common Aptitude Test for entrance into top class management institutes in India. He went on with the preparation without a break. He liked it because problem solving was fun to Anand. He enjoyed it to the core. He used to practise it even in class hours irrespective of the lectures going on. But one day he was caught by his HOD.

“Anand may I know what you are doing under the desk?” snapped HOD. “Sir, I am preparing for CAT exam” replied Anand with an ugly grin. “My dear students look at the intelligent guy of your class. He was preparing forCAT. This is the most humorous thing ever heard in my life. This guy who couldn’t even solve an assignment solves the corporate problems. God, save the world economy.” Entire class burst into laughter. “Sir, please don’t worry. I will not join any firm. I shall setup one on my own. I shall be an entrepreneur” replied Anand. HOD burst into laughter and commented “Students take this guy as an example for overconfidence, arrogance and many more qualities which ruins your life. Mr.Anand can you tell me in which business you are interested in?” queried HOD. “Potato’s sir” replied Anand. Entire class burst into laughter including HOD. “I love to grow and sell potato’s sir. It fascinates me a lot. I used to grow them in my vacation. It’s my hobby and passion to be precise” declared Anand. “This department is privileged to have this honourable potato maker and Anand get out of my class and start growing your potatoes” yelled HOD.

As a part of revenge Anand’s HOD suspended him from all the subjects in the 7th semester which was crucial for Anand. As per the university rules a student who fails in all the subjects and lacks in attendance in more than 3 subjects is subjected with a tag of ‘year back’ and made to study one more year. HOD expected Anand to come and beg for mercy which did not happen at any point. Anand left the college with tonnes of gloom. He met his HOD on the way at the entrance gate and he wished him “Good morning sir” with a broad smile which was like a dagger dumped into his HOD’ heart.

After his drop out, HOD was happy of overwhelm of Anand. It has been 6 years since he left the college. One day HOD was invited by a professor from France to a famous bistro in the city to discuss the collaborative research projects. “I love this place. I have one in my hometown in France. I hang out here every weekend” shrugged the French professor. When HOD called the host to take the order, he was surprised to see a slim, fair guy with neatly trimmed face. “You are ?????” queried HOD. “Sir, it’s my pleasure to meet you again. I am Anand sir. I was your student 6 years ago in Department of mechanical engineering where you were HOD”. “Yes, I remembered you. You were suspended right? Hmmm so finally you are placed, settled here. Thank god at least you are placed in an MNC bistro as server. I did not even expect this from you. I thought you shall be a farmer” commented HOD.

“Your student is a host in a bistro. Great” crooned the French professor sarcastically. “Yeah mistakes happen once in a life time” defended HOD with an ugly grin. Anand served them what they need. He did not intend to take the bill as a token of gratitude. But his HOD paid the bill with a fancy amount as his tip. “Keep it Anand. You require these lots” muttered HOD. Anand took them from his HOD and dropped them in children fund box with dignity. “My salary is more than enough sir” smiled Anand. “Anyways nice meeting you” replied HOD and walked out of the arena.

Both HOD and the French professor lost in discussions on the way to parking. When HOD was about to take his car, a Ferrari just braked so that omitting the friction with HOD’s car. When the window faded away, HOD was bewildered to see Anand. “Sorry sir. Give me a second I shall clear your way.” HOD gets out of the car and Anand parks his car and sprints towards HOD for apology. “What do you do exactly Anand ?” queried HOD. “Sir I am the Chairman of the chain of bistro’s across the globe. My bistro is famous for potato chips and French fries. Even I serve many other items to. “How did it happen?” yelled the French professor in astonishment. “I am a college drop out by choice. Later on I left to my village and I am into my favourite task of growing potatoes. In the first two years I earned pretty decent money which made my father have a smile on his face after my chaos in college. Later on I worked on exports to foreign countries with my communication skills and in my free time I worked on devices which makes these French fries in a matter of seconds, just like a machine. I still owe my department a lot which taught me mechanics of machines. I got patents and with a petty loan from bank made me to setup a bistro. In my leadership it grown into an MNC in a matter of 3 years, I think I have tens of branches in France”

“Yes. You do. I enjoy them a lot Mr.Anand.” yelled the excited French professor. He extended his notes to get Anand’s autograph. Anand’s HOD was surprised to see his student in such a position. He has mixed feeling of merry and melancholy. His eyes were flooded with tears. HOD walked towards Anand and held his hand on his hand and crooned “god bless you my son” and drove away with the guest from the premises.


  1. yehh..gud attempt..could b btr..take care of grammar mistakes and try 2 take gud plot..ALL D BEST :)

    1. boss thanks, but i dont tink ter r any coz i used MIcrosoft Word . it din mention any mistakes. anyways wil read again for a better proof reading :)

  2. Hi,
    U r really a very good writer. Damn it:). That was awesome. I liked this post a lot especially the line about grading system-->>They are just decorative pieces for an undergraduate to show-off. Keep continuing blogging. All The Best.

    1. Hey thanks for ur wishes. Sorry i was late in replying. Actually i was surprised to see your reaction. coz i left blogging a few months back as my semester commenced. :P I think i must restart again :D . bye. :)
